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"It is staggering buybooks online india how much the Human Rights Committee has influenced the human rights jurisprudence of the world, as is striking from reading this exceedingly important book.... From the outset of its work in 1977 there have been two Secretariat pioneers in developing the case law of the Committe when it considers petitions from individuals claiming violations of their rights: Jakob Möller (Iceland) and Alfred de Zayas (USA). Möller was the first Chief of the Petitions branch of what is today the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and de Zayas was his colleague, who eventually suceeded him as Chief. ...Every lawyer, every judge, every public-spirited citizen will want to consult this fascinating book, because it tells us what is legally right and legally wrong, how to judge our governments, our societies, our United Nations and ourselves."

During the 100th session celebration of the Human Rights committee on 29 October 2010 in Room XXI at the UN Bertie Ramcharan highly recommended the book and I spoke on behalf of the International Society of Human Rights on the problems of implementation and the need to have enabling legislation to give status to Committee decisions in the domestic legal order of states.

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