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Buy books online in india     by manoj


Buy books online in india refers to a service wherein users rent books via the internet. Users browse books online and have their choices home-delivered, rather than physically visiting a library to borrow a book. This e-commerce model is very similar to the popular video rental service provided by the California-based Netflix. Online book rental is gaining popularity in India, with a number of websites offering free doorstep delivery for a small monthly fee.The popularity of such websites can be attributed to increasing internet usage in the country; India is expected to have the third-largest number of internet users in the world by 2013.Statistics for the publishing industry are also promising. India is the world's third-largest market for English books,and its entire book market—in English, as well as regional languages—is estimated to generate Rs. 10,000 crore annually.The online book market in India is expected to grow at 30-35% annually for the next five years.

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