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Milk Testing Equipments     by Javed Khan


We have witnessed an evolution over the past years of the regulations in the dairy industry, which involves all operators of the production chain, aimed at guaranteeing not only free trade but also consumer health and product quality.

These standards concern both the producers and the authorities assigned to the control and involve all phases of the production chain, from the livestock diet to the quality control of the finished product, and to the commercialization modes.

In this context, the use of chemical testing milk testing equipments systems that allow verifying milk quality and, if necessary, modifying the production procedures, becomes essential.

The need for specific and reliable systems for the control of milk production opens the search for new analytical approaches with biological markers and electronic analyzers that are ever easier and faster to use.

In this context, CDR research laboratories have perfected the FOODLAB system, composed of an analyzer that utilizes a sophisticated spectrophotometric technology and a series of specific reagents.

The instrument does not need to come into direct contact with the samples and carries out tests on RAW MILK, VEGETABLE PUREE, VEGETABLE PUREE,CHEESE, and other DAIRY PRODUCT.

Furthermore, the Foodlab system makes it possible to carry out chemical tests for the determination of peroxides value and acid value in alimentary oils and fats and soaps concentration in alimentary fats .

The analytical method and the instrument were subjected to evaluation tests at Sinal certified laboratories such as: the Laboratorio Standard Latte dell'Associazione Italiana Allevatori (Milk Standard Laboratory of the Italian Breeders Association) and the Reference laboratory for tests on alimentary fats and oil.

A comparison was effectuated between the specific electrode and the CDR FOODLAB spectrophotometer that is used for the chemical analysis of ammonia in samples of milk. In particular, the costs of each analysis and the time necessary for the carrying out of the same were evaluated. See the relationship: CDR FOODLAB validation test for the determination of NH3 (Ammonia) in whole milk and skim milk

A comparison was effectuated between the analysis conducted using the Boehringer Mannheim enzymatic kit with the relative spectrophotometric analysis and the CDR FOODLAB instrument used for analysis of lactic acid in samples of milk. In particular, the costs of each analysis were evaluated and also the time necessary to effectuate the said analysis. See the relationship: CDR FOODLAB validation test for the determination of Lactic Acid (L) in whole milk and skim milk

Furthermore CDR presented a poster about Maillard reaction evaluation by e-fructosyl-lysine during milk thermal processing: first step at CONGRILAIT 2002 - PARIS
Infact CDR biochemical laboratories carried out studies about correspondence between e-Fructosyl-lysine content and heat-treatment of milk. These studies show that there is an excellent correspondence between e-Fructosyl-lysine content and heat treatment of milk. Furthermore the simplicity and inexpensiveness of the FoodLab system make chemical analysis of e-Fructosyl-lysine on milk a user-friendly test.

You can find more information about chemical analysis and FoodLab System in

milk testing equipments

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