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Be an Audited Company

The internet is credited to have shrunken the world for buyers and suppliers, given them a perfect platform to conduct business with each other efficiently and cost-effectively. While this distance has reduced considerably, there still lies a gap in trust. The foremost reason is the high value and volume of B2B transactions besides intangible nature of this medium.

To bridge this trust gap and allow entities to undertake business with confidence, GearsExporters.com, online B2B marketplace, introduced an exclusive Audited service. Audited Stamp is a business verification service from GearsExporters.com that checks an SME's credibility and trustworthiness. This stamp is issued post verification of company's credentials pertaining to proof of existence, legal status, statutory approvals, affiliations and quality certifications. The unbiased information about the business status of suppliers helps buyers make an informed purchase decision about them. This further acts as a sales accelerator for these SMEs.

Audited Stamp is one of GearsExporters.com's unique array of services aimed at assisting SMEs to engage in online business with confidence and grow their businesses.

Documentary evidence is collected from suppliers to ensure that the information provided or credentials claimed by them are accurate and reliable. The authentication is conducted by CRISIL, a Govt. approved credit rating organization. CRISIL makes available a trust profile of the supplier post verification. Certified SMEs can display Audited Stamp along with verified details on their websites, catalogs, directory listings, trade offers, among others.

Supplier's Benefits

  • CRISIL Trust Profile Report
    • CRISIL verifies documents related to existence proof, legal status etc.
    • Verified report from CRISIL in PDF format
    • Get report in e-mail (PDF Format)
  • Certified Trust
    • Edge over non certified competitors online
    • Higher trust level among buyers
    • Certified members attract genuine buyers
  • Trusted Visiblity
    • Higher listing on GearsExporters.com (gearsindia.co.in, manufacturersinindia.org)
    • Distinct visiblity and higher listing across the GearsExporters network

Buyer's Benefits

  • Take informed decision about dealing with direct right suppliers
  • Easily distinguish between verified and non verified company
  • Available structured information and critical facts about supplier
  • Power to deal more confidently with genuine supplier
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